For the first time in the history of Miss Brazil USA, an unusual event that is beyond all standards known today. A beautiful girl from Belo Horizonte, now enlisted in the US Army, puts her uniform aside for a few days and runs for the top title in the competition. And with huge chances.
Yasmin Silva, who has the name of a flower and a sensibility to give taste, plays the piano, sings, speaks languages and has a sharp intelligence.
In addition to her physical beauty and, for sure, one of the strong candidates for the title, this Gemini has strong adjectives to dream of this victory.
His life story begins in Belo Horizonte where he came with his family at age 10, (almost the same story as many, a humble family that immigrated to Uncle Sam’s land in search of the American dream) and continues with achievements,
She says that when starting her studies in the USA, she was always focused and determined to be a doctor. Yasmin talks about her roots and the examples of warrior and humble women, like her mother and grandmother, who influenced her and always show that they knew what they wanted, fighting hard.
In just over 10 years she managed to graduate from High School and fell in love with the military career. In 2019 she enlisted in the US Army.
Aware, she says that the country that welcomed her and the family offering great opportunities is a blessed place. So she decided it was time to give back a little bit of what she had received by serving in the army, where she really understood the meaning of loyalty, duty, respect and humility.
Now in 2021, she has a new challenge.
On the catwalks, Yasmin seeks to achieve new flights and achieve another dream of showing her beauty, participating in the Miss Brazil USA International contest, in Miami on October 23rd.
She adds, “and as everything in my life until now is a challenge, I want to learn something from this experience and take the opportunity to be the best I can do. I always had the purpose of making it count, being a pride for my family, my friends and this country”, she says.
It’s good to talk to Yasmin who has a flower name, sensitivity and a refined taste with a perfume of intelligence.
Official website:
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